social influence:3 controversy:3.5 key word: game action
Short news:
The bus fare in Shenzhen is still in hot discussion. Under the complaint of Shenzhenese for the high fare, the government finally opened a new conversation with delegates of crowd and transportation enterprises.
Now they are bargaining on the six projects selected out for final choice and a solution, though several terms still in dispute, is expected to reach soon. The various media are giving a lot of concern of the issue. No matter what the result finally out would be, many approve its meaning and progress in civilian participation of public affair, in another word, democracy.
The bus fare in Shenzhen is still in hot discussion. Under the complaint of Shenzhenese for the high fare, the government finally opened a new conversation with delegates of crowd and transportation enterprises.
Now they are bargaining on the six projects selected out for final choice and a solution, though several terms still in dispute, is expected to reach soon. The various media are giving a lot of concern of the issue. No matter what the result finally out would be, many approve its meaning and progress in civilian participation of public affair, in another word, democracy.